Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of experts in stream and wetland restoration, engineering, design, ecology, botany, fisheries and wildlife biology.
The TAC is separate from the Board of Directors and provides technical advice on and reviews of wetland and stream restoration design plans, construction sequencing and costs, and monitoring protocols, among other topics.

Karin Boyd
Karin is the owner of Applied Geomorphology, Inc., and a registered professional geologist with twenty-five years of experience in river process assessment, restoration concept development, stream channel design, and permitting. Karin is a founding Director of Montana Freshwater Partners.

Tom Parker
Tom is President and Principal Ecologist of Geum Environmental Consulting, based in Hamilton, Montana. As a project manager, he focuses on riparian and floodplain restoration as part of long-term river restoration projects in Montana and Idaho. Tom provides technical input for stream and wetland mitigation projects as a member of Montana Freshwater Partners’ Technical Advisory Committee. He joined the Montana Freshwater Partners Board in 2017.

Pedro Marques
Pedro works to guide the vision & mission of the Big Hole Watershed Committee, working with the governing Board and overseeing restoration work in the Big Hole watershed. He has worked in the Big Hole watershed since 2009 and joined the Big Hole Watershed Committee as staff in 2016, becoming Executive Director in 2019. Pedro has more than 12 years of restoration and project experience in private consulting in Montana. He has been instrumental in the recovery of smelter-impacted lands in the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area on behalf of the Natural Resource Damages Program, BHWC, and MFWP. His experience in Montana also includes stream ecology, from stream and habitat assessments to landscape-scale watershed restoration planning, project management and oversight. Pedro currently resides in Missoula, Montana with his wife and two kids.

Matt Barnes
Matt is a project manager with Tetra Tech. He offers expertise on projects that improve both built and natural environments, primarily riverine systems. Matt’s primary role provides clients with solutions to their natural resource problems. His career includes projects designed and implemented throughout the western US with detailed riverine hydraulic analysis, natural system restoration, dam removal, fish passage, fish screens, stream restoration, irrigation infrastructure, abandoned mine cleanup, stormwater quality treatment, and floodplain studies. Matt is responsible for managing interdisciplinary teams to deliver projects that cover multiple aspects.

Ryan Richardson
Ryan is a geomorphologist for The Barn Group. He offers expertise in the latest tools and techniques in fluvial geomorphology and remote sensing. Ryan is involved with all stages of river restoration, from assessment to monitoring. He obtained his MS from the University of Wyoming, where he focused on expanding high-resolution remote sensing techniques for rivers to the watershed scale. Ryan’s skills include GIS analysis, geomorphic change detection, traditional geomorphic techniques, and he has significant experience utilizing UAS technology for river mapping. When Ryan isn’t out in the field conducting work on restoration and assessment projects, he can be found in his kayak paddling down one of the many great rivers in Montana.

Lisa Bay
Lisa is a retired natural resource consultant. She spent the last 10 years of her career working on project teams and fundraising for The Nature Conservancy. A volunteer project after her retirement was to help guide and fundraise for Prickly Pear Land Trust’s Sevenmile project, a 2.2-mile stream restoration in the Helena Valley. Lisa and her husband also operate a cattle ranch covered by a MFWP conservation easement.