Sevenmile Stream and Wetland Restoration
In-Lieu Fee (ILF) | Stream & Wetland
Helena, Montana
Missouri-Sun-Smith Watershed #7
Construction completed in 2017,
5-year monitoring phase will last through 2022
- Prickly Pear Land Trust

Project Summary

Watershed District: Missouri Sun-Smith
Sevenmile Creek was an extremely degraded system. The creek had eroded straight down, which created nearly vertical banks, contributed sediment to the stream, and disconnected the stream from its floodplain. The surrounding area was also infested with invasive species.
Montana Freshwater Partners worked together with the Prickly Pear Land Trust to bring life back to the creek. To resolve the issues, we excavated the tall banks before installing soft bank stabilization, excavating floodplains, and spraying for invasive weeds. We also dug out multiple wetlands and planted native vegetation.
By correcting the bank slopes and adding soft bank stabilization, we reduced the amount of sediment in the stream. Clear water is essential for the health of fish and macroinvertebrates. The floodplains we excavated now function as natural sponges, absorbing and retaining excess water to mitigate the effects of both droughts and floods. By digging wetlands, planting native vegetation, and managing invasive weeds, critical habitat has been provided to a wide array of plants and animals.
This project is part of the Prickly Pear Land Trust’s Peaks to Creeks Initiative, which seeks to bring urban areas access to public lands.