Salmon Prairie Forested Wetland Preservation
In-Lieu Fee (ILF) | Wetland Credit
Swan Valley, Montana
Flathead Watershed #4
Approved Final Site Plan proposed 2021, construction TBD
Common Ground
Swan Valley Connections

Project Summary

Watershed District: Flathead
Our goal is to support and facilitate the placement of a permanent conservation easement on 35 acres of a rare, forested wetland in the Swan Valley. The forested wetland is home to the spruce/skunk cabbage plant, state-listed by the Montana Heritage Program, and other rare plants, including water howellia.
The area is also native habitat for a wide range of resident wildlife, including federally-listed species such as grizzly bears and Canada lynx. Grizzly bears have been documented using this property on trail cameras, and other state species of concern — including western toads, varied thrush, and pileated woodpeckers, among others — likely use the property as primary or secondary habitat.
The easement will be held by Common Ground.