by Ashton Bunce | Jun 5, 2024 | News Release
In May, the Supreme Court voted to obliterate one of the most important rules that helps keep our aquatic ecosystems clean and thriving. Montana needs to step up and show leadership to fill that gap. The decision in that case, called Sackett vs. EPA, is weedy but...
by Ashton Bunce | Jun 5, 2024 | News Release
No matter where you are reading these words, walk over to the faucet, pour yourself a glass of water, set it down on the table and let its translucent swirl settle into clarity, then consider the origin of this essential medium—the most important substance for life on...
by Ashton Bunce | Jun 5, 2024 | News Release
Protecting 107 acres of land may not seem like a big deal in the capacious panorama of the American West. But when preservation takes the form of two islands in the wild and free-flowing Yellowstone River, it’s something that warrants public attention—for it’s the...
by Ashton Bunce | Mar 31, 2023 | News Release
Teller Wildlife Refuge is wrapping up a wetlands restoration project this week that aims to transform approximately 9 acres of cheatgrass meadow back into wetlands. Maps from the 1950s show braided channels of the Bitterroot River weaving through the project...
by Ashton Bunce | Mar 27, 2023 | News Release
A conservation-oriented real estate group has sold two 50-acre islands in the Yellowstone River to the state of Montana, with the aim of preserving the riparian habitat and enhancing public access opportunities. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks acquired 107...
by Ashton Bunce | Mar 16, 2023 | News Release
Protecting 107 acres of land may not seem like a big deal in the capacious panorama of the American West. But when preservation takes the form of two islands in the wild and free-flowing Yellowstone River, it’s something that warrants public attention—for it’s the...