Livingston Enterprise: Engineer warns about major flood risk in Livingston

Mar 15, 2023 | News Release

Not long after the City of Livingston began soliciting bids to repair the levee protecting Sacajawea Park, a local civil engineer commented that she believed “it was a miracle” the levee held under last summer’s severe flood.


“The dike and levee aren’t FEMA-approved structures,” said civil engineer Wendy Weaver in her comments to the City Commission on Tuesday.


Weaver, executive director of Livingston-based Montana Freshwater Partners, said the Civic Center and the Park High School are in the Yellowstone River’s channel migration zone and “the historic floodplain.” Her comments pertained to a proposal under consideration to build a city-owned recreation center on the site of the Civic Center, which is adjacent to the levee and Yellowstone River.


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